What Precious Life

by - 10:28 AM

Living Your Beautiful Life

Ever so often we get caught up in living life,
Not necessarily the life that was chosen for us or the life that was purposed for us (which are 2 different things) but the life we feel we deserve.

Positive Affirmation:

Life is not what is happening to you, Life is how you respond and not react to what is happening to you. 
- @TheStoneQueen

The  truth is that you already have the gift of life, it is your choice to enjoy it or to continue to live each day as if you are already dead. You can continue living to work or chose to work to live. Life is continuously happening and understand that death is a part of life as without one there would not be the other. 

Learn to enjoy this sweet beautiful life RIGHT NOW! As this moment, right now is truly all we have.  It is ok to have goals and set visions for the future with Balance, but don’t work yourself into premature aging, sicknesses and dis-eases because you're stashing away all your money for the future which will result in you using the same money you've worked your whole life for to pay for your treatments and non-cures. I know it feels selfish sometimes but you must find time to nurture yourself before you nurture others. Take time out to have some "You" time,  some time to focus on self care.

Humans tend to TAKE A LOT!! They have NO GIVE.... (but that's another blog for another time). Therefore, take the priority and make your self a priority in your life. Take the time to take care of your self. 

5 Things To Do for Your Self Everyday


Take 3 Deep Diaphragmatic Breaths

Stretch/ Move + State Your Intentions

Drink at least 8oz of room temperature water with a slice of Lime. 

C O N N E C T + G R O U N D (Pray + Meditate)

More Love + Light + Namasté 🙏

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