Self Care + Healing


I don't know how old you are but if you were once a kid (for most), do you remember running around outside barefooted? Do you remember the clarity you felt mentally and physically? Sometimes you'll get yelled at but you felt recharged and revived. As we've grown older, we have become quite disconnected. We've lost touch with these simple things and deem them dirty, nasty, messy if you will and forgetting that it was dirt you once came from, we are made up of the element of of the earth and carry the same vibration so cool your cucumber please and thanks!

Because we have become so detached from Mother Earth, we have become Lost, Disconnect, Ill, Sick and are ruining ourselves for generations to come.  You would be quite surprise but how healing simple going outside to stand barefooted for a few minutes could be. Below is a listen of Health Benefits to Grounding.


  1. Walk around barefooted in you spare time, at home.
  2. Get Stones and crystals that are specific to grounding. Just to list a few that are my person favorite: Black Tourmaline, Jet, Black Obsidian, Hematite and Smokey Quartz.
  3. Eat Grounding foods which include: Turnips, Irish Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Carrots, Beets, Yams and pretty much anything that is grows under the earth. 

  4. Go Outside:
  • While barefooted, Stand or sit on the earth or grass

  • Connect by closing your eyes and taking a few to several deep breaths, consciously ask the Earth for permission to connect and you will feel connect.

  • *If the above doesn't work for you", image rooted extending from both you and the Earth. Feel yourself being rooted, ground and all the negative energy transmutes to positive.

  • TAKE DEEP BREATHS. Ensure to INHALE through your nostrils and EXHALE out your mouth. Focus on your breathing and allow Mother Earth to do her Greatness.

  • MOST IMPORTANTLY, SHOW GRATITUDE. Give Thanks to God and the beautiful Earth for giving you healing and for grounding you.


We come in contact with people and all types of energies all day long. It is important that we empty our "spiritual dust bin" everyday. 

I know that there are times that you don't feel like yourself and feel like you caught something that wasn't for you. Learn to listen to you gut, you'r guide, your spirit. Let God lead you and allow the Earth that he created to heal you.

Blessed Grounding.

Salt Cleansing: Hand Washing 

There are so many conceptions and misconceptions about Salt and Cleansing. Some say it's a deed of white witches and voodoo mumbo-jumbo, but until you subconsciously or consciously attract an energy or something from another realm or dimension latches on to you, your perception will always be one of skepticism and superstition. Hopefully,  someone will be around you to realize what's happening if you are not aware then, to help you in releasing it. I’m sure you’ll totally get it then. Your mind WILL be blown! It'll be blown by how light and how weightless your whole being feels afterwards. How your "tension" headache goes away and how quickly your tummy ache will go away as well. You’ll realize that you were carry a pain and burden that wasn’t yours in the first place.

"What type of Salt do I use?"

Simple Sea Salt will do. It doesn't matter if it's coarse or fine but always have a container of sea salt at work (especially at work!) and at home. Ensure to wash you hand if you "feel off" after talking to a co-worker or speaking with a customer or handling a difficult patient or client or stretching to accommodate a guest. We all have the gift of FREE WILL and there's a lot out people out there doing the most and a whole lot of  fuck shit. Protect you energy, it's all you have, focus on yourself and hurt, harm and covict no one.

"Won't my hands dry out?"

Yes, they will, however, ensuring to use a thick and shielding moisturizer prior to and after you start
Cleansing will help to reduce extra dryness and dehydration of the skin.

How often should I cleanse my hands with salt?

Whenever you feel the need to. If you are more in the public and or are in the service industry, at least at the end of your work day you should wash your hands with salt. 

Is there a specific way to wash my hands”


• Set your INTENTION: “ Cleanse and Remove all energy that I have consciously or subconsciously taken upon myself. All are absorb by the salt and are wash away and never to return.” 

• Place about 1 teaspoon on Sea Salt in your left palm, add a few drops of lukewarm water  to make a little paste. 

• Rub all over your palms and back of your hands up to your wrists. 

• Rinse with water (lukewarm or cold) 

• Dry hands with a clean towel or paper towel. 

More Love + Light + Truth + Transparency + Blessings my Tumblestones 🙏🌺